we have a dream
we think you do, too
… for a circular economy, where nothing is wasted and re-use or recycle is the norm.
…to halt the relentless depletion of every one of the earth’s natural resources.
…to put people and planet before profit.
our dream is not unique to us. We believe what’s unique is the role we can play.
we’re making a commitment to not only reduce plastic waste, but to recycle EVERY piece of plastic we collect, AND to make it easy & convenient for EVERY person to play their part.
our mission
we have a simple but ambitious mission to install a Bottld RVM:
– in every local bus & train station.
– in every local cinema & theatre.
– in every local leisure centre & sports venue.
– in every local petrol station & airport terminal.
– in every local secondary school & college
– in every library & university
– in every supermarket & corner store
– in every shopping mall & local government venue
if you want to stay connected to our journey, DM us and follow us on LinkedIn.
if you want to support our dream, please share our social posts widely.
thank you.
we have a dream. what’s yours?
#forourplanet #circulareconomy #plasticpollution #depositreturnscheme #retailer #recycling #plasticrecycling #plasticreduction

recycling done better
we are determined to make plastics recycling and UK Deposit Return Schemes (DRS) easy and routine. our end to end process will dramatically reduce the volume of plastic going to landfill and increase the volume of plastic recycling on the go, not just kerbside. we’re starting with bottles.